Wunderschöne Veröffentlichtungen.
Dies sind einige der Magazine, die mit H5mag veröffentlicht wurden.

KNVB jaarverslag
Yearly Report 2015 - By Schuttelaar & Partners

Jouw Later: Denken en doen
JouwLater by Nationale-Nederlanden, digital magazine about retirement planning for women. Designed by HaagsBlauw.

Royal Dutch Football Association
Yearly Report 2014 - By Schuttelaar & Partners

Lidl Netherlands
Lidl supermarkets CSR report 2013-2014, by Schuttelaar & Partners

Gezonder Mag.
Consumer magazine about healthy food from Het Vinkje, original design by PuurPublishers

Professionele Masters
Magazine about professional master education from Vereniging Hogescholen, created by WIM ontwerpers.

Quarterly update of the Northsea farm (Noordzeeboerderij).
Created by Schuttelaar & Partners.

Vitaal Kwartaal maart 2017
Vitaal Kwartaal business insurance magazine.
Created by Schuttelaar & Partners

National Geographic Young Explorer
Educational magazine for American classrooms, by National Geographic Society

Noordzeeboerderij Q2
Quarterly update of the Northsea Farm (Noordzeeboerderij).
Created by Schuttelaar & Partners.

NWO-ICT yearly report 2015
Year-in-review from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research - IT, made by WIM ontwerpers.
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